Oct 4, 2008

AC: 1-2-3-All Together Now!

So this is the final for the AC mascot's. (teehee its a plural now) To the bottom left is my sphinx, on the right is Yuukanami's cat girl and at the top is Hikanami's Cat girl. Keep in mind that these are a lot lighter then the originals and what the final outcome (advertisement) will be. (pssst, does anyone notice my Beatles reference??)


Red-Rose said...

Everything's looking good!

Anonymous said...

Damn you red!
You stole my first post spot!! >:[
It's looks great altogether!
Lots of people are gonna wanna join after seeing our awesome drawingness! :)

Kt Shy said...

the title. I WIN!

Hesbell said...

yes, you do win! congrats!