no way!!!!!!! this will never ever ever happen!!!!!!!! nooooo! This is a pic that kt drew a looooooooong time ago for me because im such a zelgadis fan! <3 totally luv him. Thats me clinging on to him by the way.
W-w--wait a minute!! i just realized this now (how lame) but a bunch of posts down you said you dyed your hair red... but how come when i went to your house your hair wasnt red??
heh, cooool
W-w--wait a minute!! i just realized this now (how lame) but a bunch of posts down you said you dyed your hair red... but how come when i went to your house your hair wasnt red??
red explained it for you!
ha ha you're jealous of Amelia!
OMG!! Where did you ever find that wallpaper?! I mad that thing when I was like in the 7th grade. Just found ur page and had to leave a message. =3
How patetic. Jelaous of a fictional character.
Be honest: how many fingers do you put inside yourself everytime you think on Zel, fangrrrrl?
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