Nov 16, 2008

Guashe Snail

First attempts at guashe! I probably wont be posting anything or be online for a while because I have to get my art portfolio for high school ready! so many things to do! Wish me luck >.<
EDIT: If you're wondering why the ink is smudged on the snail, it's because he's running backwards really fast.


Karo said...
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Karo said...
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Karo said...

LOL WHOA! I love the whole running backwards effect! XD Genius.

Cute snail btw! ^___^

(( >_> Oh, and that was me that deleted the last 2 comments... Made a mistake, and then posted again and then realized that I could delete. ^^;; ))

Kt Shy said...

vvrrroooooooooooooooooom! *slime*

Red-Rose said...

Epic snail is epic.